Hi all,

As I've mentioned recently, I've been having trouble receiving emails from this 
list when the sender is using a protonmail.com account. Since this appears to 
be protonmail specific, I contacted their support team, provided an example 
message (with timestamp) and confirmed that this was through a mailing list 
(running Mailman). Here is the response I got:


Thanks for the feedback.

Please note that sending a message on a behalf of Proton Mail by using a 
third-party service is not allowed, and that's the reason why you didn't 
receive the message.

We set our system that way in order to protect Proton Mail’s IP reputation and 
ensure all messages sent from Proton Mail are delivered to your recipient’s 
inbox — not their spam folder

We apologize for not being able to assist you on this matter.

Kind regards,

Filip F.
Customer Support
Proton Mail


Obviously I'm not pleased with that response. BUT I faintly recall someone else 
on this list using this particular service once replied to one of my emails, 
but of course I never saw it, just another user's reply.

For any protonmail users on PLUG that do receive this message, can you please 
reply to verify that you did? According to their support team under no 
circumstances should you be seeing this message.

Given that I likely won't see your response, also send a different email 
(+different subject) to me directly so that I can compare.

Reply via email to