florca wrote: 
> Hi - Not sure if this is possible to control within the plugin, but
> would it be possible to always "Stop" a Live Stream (thus avoiding
> collecting metadata and freeing up resources) but honour the Players'
> Pause / Stop preference for On Demand at "Power Off"? I like being able
> to resume On Demand programmes at the point I left them, which seems to
> work well with the current Pause at Power Off setting.
Not really.  DASH and HLS are chunked http (mulitple sequentlalhttp GETs
each about 6.4 secs long) which make them a bit more diffiuclt to handle
than normal http/acc streams. When a streamn is paused - the actual
time-of-day has to be remembered as chunks are rleated to time-of-day. 
So as it stand when a stream is paused - no more GET s are used but
plugin remembers the pause position and goes a refetches the nearest
chunk to the pause time.  However DASH does not support metdata so the
plugin is mashup fetching metadata from other sources which do ot dstay
around - info only valid at the time of fetch so if stream is paused -
no data is availbale. 

In summary. when a tsream is paused. No resoruces are really used except
very 30 secs a fetch to meetadat which is a small amunt of data.  LMS
wastes far more data polling the players even though they are off.

The issue here is that a live DASH stream which is paused for more than
3 hours (actually BBC defined - only 10 mins for Flac streams)  cannot
be restarted - you cannot press play and expect the stream to play at
the point which play was stopped. So it is better in this case just to
stop the stream.

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