philippe_44 wrote: 
> This is very weird as 1/ the perl part does not update the settings
> regularly, it only does when you click on the apply 2/ all my other
> plugins use the same mechanism and I should know if it was happening all
> the time. 
> Might me something special with your configuration where the perl part
> damages he config file which then makes the helper crash when it tries
> to update it. Can you use the unmodified perl part and generate a config
> file, stop the helper, modify config and send me the result?

Deleting the -raopbridge.xml- file, restoring the original Perl file,
and clicking on *Generate* resulted in the following log entries:

    [18-02-12 18:45:22.9168] Plugins::RaopBridge::Settings::handler (201) not 
  [18-02-12 18:45:48.7969] Plugins::RaopBridge::Settings::handler (41) 
generating configuration /var/lib/squeezeboxserver/prefs/raopbridge.xml
  [18-02-12 18:45:48.7970] Plugins::RaopBridge::Settings::handler (196) full 
  [18-02-12 18:45:48.7972] Plugins::RaopBridge::Settings::waitEndHandler (220) 
helper stopped, processing with callback
  [18-02-12 18:45:48.7973] Plugins::RaopBridge::Settings::genConfig (238) 
lauching helper to build /var/lib/squeezeboxserver/prefs/raopbridge.xml
  [18-02-12 18:45:48.8010] Plugins::RaopBridge::Settings::waitEndHandler (213) 
Waiting for squeeze2raop to end
  [18-02-12 18:45:49.8017] Plugins::RaopBridge::Squeeze2raop::__ANON__ (162) 
squeeze2raop-x86-64-static running
  [18-02-12 18:45:49.8019] Plugins::RaopBridge::Settings::waitEndHandler (213) 
Waiting for squeeze2raop to end
  [18-02-12 18:45:50.8024] Plugins::RaopBridge::Settings::waitEndHandler (228) 
updating page
  [18-02-12 18:45:50.8038] Plugins::RaopBridge::Settings::handler2 (269) $VAR1 
= [
  'name' => '[common parameters]',
  'udn' => '.common.'
  [18-02-12 18:45:50.8039] Plugins::RaopBridge::Settings::handler2 (274) 
reading: interface
  [18-02-12 18:45:50.8040] Plugins::RaopBridge::Settings::handler2 (274) 
reading: scan_interval 30
  [18-02-12 18:45:50.8041] Plugins::RaopBridge::Settings::handler2 (274) 
reading: scan_timeout 15
  [18-02-12 18:45:50.8042] Plugins::RaopBridge::Settings::handler2 (274) 
reading: log_limit -1

and this -raopbridge.xml- file: 24544

Ticking the *Start the Bridge* option (which was not ticked) and
clicking *Apply* resulted in:

    [18-02-12 18:46:44.0292] Plugins::RaopBridge::Settings::handler (89) save 
settings required
  [18-02-12 18:46:44.0302] Plugins::RaopBridge::Settings::handler (136) 
current: .common.previous: .common.
  [18-02-12 18:46:44.0304] Plugins::RaopBridge::Settings::handler (174) writing 
XML config
  [18-02-12 18:46:44.0306] Plugins::RaopBridge::Settings::handler (175) $VAR1 = 
  'raop_log' => 'info',
  'log_limit' => '-1',
  'interface' => '',
  'util_log' => 'info',
  'device' => [],
  'stream_log' => 'warn',
  'scan_interval' => '30',
  'slimproto_log' => 'info',
  'output_log' => 'info',
  'slimmain_log' => 'info',
  'main_log' => 'info',
  'decode_log' => 'warn',
  'scan_timeout' => '15',
  'common' => {
  'resample_options' => {},
  'player_volume' => '-1',
  'volume_feedback' => '1',
  'volume_mode' => '2',
  'send_metadata' => '0',
  'resample' => '1',
  'alac_encode' => '0',
  'sample_rate' => '96000',
  'send_coverart' => '0',
  'server' => '?',
  'mute_on_pause' => '1',
  'streambuf_size' => '2097152',
  'codecs' => 'flc,pcm,aif,aac,mp3',
  'read_ahead' => '1000',
  'remove_count' => '30',
  'idle_timeout' => '30',
  'encryption' => '0',
  'volume_trigger' => '0',
  'volume_mapping' => '-30:1, -15:50, 0:100',
  'auto_play' => '0',
  'prevent_playback' => 'stop',
  'output_size' => '1764000',
  'enabled' => '1'
  [18-02-12 18:46:44.0308] Plugins::RaopBridge::Settings::handler (196) full 
  [18-02-12 18:46:44.0309] Plugins::RaopBridge::Settings::waitEndHandler (220) 
helper stopped, processing with callback
  [18-02-12 18:46:44.0311] Plugins::RaopBridge::Settings::__ANON__ (185) write 
file now
  [18-02-12 18:46:44.0315] Slim::Networking::IO::Select::__ANON__ (131) Error: 
Select task failed calling Slim::Web::HTTP::processHTTP: No value specified for 
'KeyAttr' option in call to XMLout() at 
line 186.
  ; fh=Slim::Web::HTTP::ClientConn=GLOB(0xcb9fd58)
  [18-02-12 18:46:48.8031] Plugins::RaopBridge::Squeeze2raop::beat (178) 
crashed ... restarting
  [18-02-12 18:47:18.8111] Plugins::RaopBridge::Squeeze2raop::beat (178) 
crashed ... restarting

At this point the web interface did not refresh. Switching to a
different settings page resulted in:

    [18-02-12 18:47:48.8154] Plugins::RaopBridge::Squeeze2raop::beat (178) 
crashed ... restarting
  [18-02-12 18:47:51.1090] Plugins::RaopBridge::Settings::handler (41) 
generating configuration /var/lib/squeezeboxserver/prefs/raopbridge.xml
  [18-02-12 18:47:51.1091] Plugins::RaopBridge::Settings::handler (196) full 
  [18-02-12 18:47:51.1093] Plugins::RaopBridge::Settings::waitEndHandler (220) 
helper stopped, processing with callback
  [18-02-12 18:47:51.1094] Plugins::RaopBridge::Settings::genConfig (238) 
lauching helper to build /var/lib/squeezeboxserver/prefs/raopbridge.xml
  [18-02-12 18:47:51.1129] Plugins::RaopBridge::Settings::waitEndHandler (213) 
Waiting for squeeze2raop to end
  [18-02-12 18:47:52.1136] Plugins::RaopBridge::Squeeze2raop::__ANON__ (162) 
squeeze2raop-x86-64-static running
  [18-02-12 18:47:52.1138] Plugins::RaopBridge::Settings::waitEndHandler (213) 
Waiting for squeeze2raop to end
  [18-02-12 18:47:53.1141] Plugins::RaopBridge::Settings::waitEndHandler (228) 
updating page
  [18-02-12 18:47:53.1197] Plugins::RaopBridge::Settings::handler2 (269) $VAR1 
= [
  'name' => '[common parameters]',
  'udn' => '.common.'
  [18-02-12 18:47:53.1199] Plugins::RaopBridge::Settings::handler2 (274) 
reading: interface
  [18-02-12 18:47:53.1201] Plugins::RaopBridge::Settings::handler2 (274) 
reading: scan_interval 30
  [18-02-12 18:47:53.1202] Plugins::RaopBridge::Settings::handler2 (274) 
reading: scan_timeout 15
  [18-02-12 18:47:53.1203] Plugins::RaopBridge::Settings::handler2 (274) 
reading: log_limit -1
  [18-02-12 18:47:54.1186] Plugins::RaopBridge::Squeeze2raop::__ANON__ (162) 
squeeze2raop-x86-64-static running

and an updated -raopbridge.xml- file, with two of my three Airplay
devices added: 24543

Switching back to the *AirPlay bridge* settings resulted in:

    [18-02-12 18:49:26.9446] Plugins::RaopBridge::Settings::handler (201) not 
  [18-02-12 18:49:26.9458] Plugins::RaopBridge::Settings::handler2 (269) $VAR1 
= [
  'name' => '[common parameters]',
  'udn' => '.common.'
  'friendly_name' => 'Apple-TV',
  'udn' => 'C869CD4253A7@Apple TV._raop._tcp.local',
  'credentials' => '@',
  'enabled' => '1',
  'mac' => 'aa:aa:04:64:64:33',
  'name' => 'Apple-TV'
  'udn' => '00E036FA4B34@SC-LX75._raop._tcp.local',
  'friendly_name' => 'SC-LX75',
  'name' => 'SC-LX75',
  'mac' => 'aa:aa:26:dd:97:3b',
  'enabled' => '1'
  [18-02-12 18:49:26.9459] Plugins::RaopBridge::Settings::handler2 (274) 
reading: interface
  [18-02-12 18:49:26.9460] Plugins::RaopBridge::Settings::handler2 (274) 
reading: scan_interval 30
  [18-02-12 18:49:26.9462] Plugins::RaopBridge::Settings::handler2 (274) 
reading: scan_timeout 15
  [18-02-12 18:49:26.9463] Plugins::RaopBridge::Settings::handler2 (274) 
reading: log_limit -1

No further changes can be saved from the web interface, and the plugin
crashes trying to write the configuration file approximately once a
minute thereafter (abbreviated due to forum length restrictions) with no
user interaction. Full 24545 file attached.

|Filename: server.log                                               |

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