pippin wrote: 
> As I said: I'm going to look into it for the redesign.
> Currently there's no way to just add stuff because that screen is mostly
> meant to be a passive screen saver not something you use to actually
> control your player most of the time since all controls are available on
> the main screen.
> I can see your point if the iPad is in a dock and this is the only view
> you use but to just add stuff would clutter the screen up and that's not
> what it's designed to be like.

I dont find iPengs iphone ui implementation cramped (it has the clear
option when you swipe right to nowplaying queue) and it has less screen
realestate vs the ipad.  How about an option to use iphone ui layout
even if on tablet.  i actually thought this was an option already but it
might have been ipeng classic or squeeze ctrl for android which is
fairly similar to ipeng in how it works.  ive only recently come back to
an iphone...

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