Owen Smith wrote: 
> Which leads me back to why change it at all if it is hardly used? I'd
> have thought the BBC were hoping it would die quietly due to lack of
> use.
I just said Internet radio Appliances such as Roberts radios do not use
it - not that is hardly used.  I believe small number of custom UK home
audio vendors have a significant number of customers.

That said BBC planned Nitro API to take over the feed and that seemed
not gone to plan - so they may be buying time and holding onto these
"customer" rather than let them drift away.  BBC may be looking around
for other potential sources of revenue. I presume with the "login"
process they are trying to provide a personalised service.
DASH stream (TV & Radio) makes it much easier to insert ads so so there
may be ways to get revenue from non UK and other classes of user of the
feed since the subscription experiment a few years ago failed. 

All speculation and assumes there is a strategy behind the changes but
one that we can't divine.

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