cpd73 wrote: 
> What I'm considering is adding a 'Pinned' section at the top - so
> allowing you to pin spotty to the main browse menu, and it would appear
> at the top.
> There's a note in my TODO file about this. Basically when the views are
> scrolled, it is actually the whole page that is scrolled - the toolbars
> are pinned to the top, and the navbar to the bottom. Hence the actual
> browse list has some padding at the top (to go underneath the toolbar),
> and likewise at the bottom. This is all due to the fact that I'm no web
> developer (first time I've ever used the libraries this is based on). I
> do have an idea how to resolve this, but as its mobile focused this is
> not a priority for me. 
> [Edit] Actually, with CSS this should be easier than I first thought.
> Will try to resolve for the next release.
> I don't explicitly set any colours, they are all taken from the
> Vuetifyjs framework - I only toggle a dark/light flag. No idea how to
> change scrollbar colours. Using the light theme should help for now...

I appreciate whatever you can do.  For a so-called "none web developer",
I'm pretty impressed your design instincts and ability.  I'm betting
you'll figure out how to beautify the scroll bar :)  Thanks.

R Greg Dawson

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