I too have experienced this issue.

air_ii wrote: 
> Hi, I've finally found a reason to register, since no one else has
> posted this issue, from what I see.
> I've been experiencing skipping tracks recently when playing tracks from
> Spotify. A song plays for a few seconds, then it suddenly skips to the
> next song. On the next song it either goes full distance or skips to the
> next after another few seconds, and so on.
> I cannot find any pattern, tried going through logs (including debug
> output), but I cannot find any errors there. I've updated to the latest
> Spotty and the latest LMS, but still the same issue appears (on all my
> players).
> I'm on a x86 Synology NAS with default helper (0.20, x64).
> Any suggestions would be welcome.

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