Hi, I've finally found a reason to register, since no one else has
posted this issue, from what I see.

I've been experiencing skipping tracks recently when playing tracks from
Spotify. A song plays for a few seconds, then it suddenly skips to the
next song. On the next song it either goes full distance or skips to the
next after another few seconds, and so on.

I cannot find any pattern, tried going through logs (including debug
output), but I cannot find any errors there. I've updated to the latest
Spotty and the latest LMS, but still the same issue appears (on all my

I'm on a x86 Synology NAS with default helper (0.20, x64).

Any suggestions would be welcome.

air_ii's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=69181
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=110455

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