I am using LMS 8.0.0 - 1590347233 and Spotty 4.1.0 on a Windows 10 Pro
64-bit Dell PC using a Squeezebox Duet. I tried to connect to Spotify
(for the first time in a few weeks, so I don't know how long it's been
since it worked for me, nor what the last versions were that worked for
me) but I keep getting 

"Failed to get access token 
Please check Settings/Advanced/Spotty/Spotify for Squeezebox 
in the web interface"

Here is what I have tried so far:

1. I removed my Spotify account info from Spotty and followed the
authentication procedure by letting Spotify automatically authenticate;
it took almost a minute. Still get the error message.
2. I removed my Spotify account info from Spotty and followed the
authentication procedure by manually entering my Spotify username and
password. Still get the error message.
3. I unchecked Spotty from the list of plugins, restarted LMS, then
ticked the box and restarted LMS again; I then tried 1. and 2. again.
Still get the error message.

I am nowhere near being proficient with LMS to do much more than that,
so if there are any further info-gathering or troubleshooting steps
you'd like me to perform, please be sure to instruct me as if talking to
my great grandmother. ;)

Thanks in advance!

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