agt wrote: 
> Thanks, that is- so weird-.
> I've also since tested on a Moto G4 Play running Android 10, so I have
> struck out on 9/10/11 with devices from 3 different makers!
> Do you have links for any older builds? - I'm really keen to check it
> out, without causing you a huge effort.
> (Or any idea what is wrong with me...)
> Edit to add: It couldn't be something like language or localisation at
> all?  
> I'm English New Zealand, which I wouldn't think was weird, but it's
> crazy that all 3 devices are borked for it, so I'm wondering what they
> could have in common that you don't.

I didn't set any specific language or loalisation and I did test it
working in both English and Chinese languages.

Here are a couple older builds:
(This is the version 1, which didn't do auto LMS server scan and only
create a share target)

By the way, what version is your LMS server and player?

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