RCST wrote: 
> Hi agt, please try the following version which has basic logging,
> however this one requires permission to write to storages
> https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NUWmfPRTJ05fKeAKZSQknnZM2UW1gHzh/view?usp=sharing
> Once you installed this version, if there is no prompt for enabling
> "write storages" permission, you might need to manually enable it via
> "App info". The log file is named "LMSConnectLog.txt" and located in the
> "Download" folder.
> Please paste the log content here, thanks.

Hi, great news that everything works! 

I very methodically installed from oldest through to newsest, and they
ALL behaved fine. 
Stranger still, when I opened the app on the Moto G4 play I had tested
yesterday and done nothing to change, it worked there too. 

The only difference that makes any sense to me is that I'm doing this at
my office (which has its own LMS running). Will check when I get home
and update if anything of use. 

Back to the main point though - this works and it's amazing, great work,
and many thanks.

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