mruddo wrote: 
> One thing I have noticed is that there seems to be a problem analysing
> files with any accented characters. e.g.

I've updated the Windows ZIP to alpha3. This -should- resolve the
non-ASCII character issue.

I'm still seeing issues where on the 1st run some files fail the
analysis, but if I re-run then they are OK. Could be the VM I am running
in is just running out of memory.

One minor note: You can configure music-similairy to 'cache' the
Essentia output to JSON files, so that if you ever need to re-run then
it can use the cached results. These cache filenames are based upon the
track filenames. For Alpha3, under Windows, I'm ignoring non-ascii
characters, so they are simply removed. In the latest code, however,
they get replaced with an underscore. The implication being that it you
analyse with alpha3 and save the cached copies, newer release might not
use the cached version. I only mention so that you are aware, the
default config does not create these cache files - so a non issue for

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