I'm currently mid-way through a second pass analysis of my 681 files,
and so far there's only been the one failure - so it's looking like the
change to allow accented characters has worked successfully.
(Incidentally, I believe the track that failed this time was OK in the
last run.)

I'll update later with info on how long it took this time when my PC
wasn't quite so busy. 

I may re-run later to see if it plugs any gaps from the first pass. In
your README it says:

-If re-run new tracks will be added, and old (non-existent) will be
removed. Pass `--keep-old` to keep these old tracks.-

Does this mean it will actually skip the tracks already there too as
well, or will it re-analyse them? I guess I'll find out soon enough if I
give it a go. ;)

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