erland, I got the following Trackstat errors in the log after upgrading
to 2.2.1

[06:46:49.4091] Plugins::TrackStat::Backup::File::backupToFile (68)
Could not open D:\MULTIMEDIA\TrackStat
Backup/trackstat_scheduled_backup_20080804.xml for writing.

I noticed that in the path to the folder where the backup is going to
be written there is a "/" (forward slash). I'm running SC 7.2 build
22317 on Windows XP.... "/" is illegal in a Windows path statement...
could this be the problem?

After trying to add a "\" at the end of the path in the Trackstat
Backup setting page to see if it would fix the previous error, I got
the error below after I pressed Apply.

[07:00:28.1464] Slim::Web::Settings::handler (145) Preference names
must be prefixed by "pref_" in the page template: backup_file
[07:00:28.1483] Slim::Web::Settings::handler (145) Preference names
must be prefixed by "pref_" in the page template: backup_dir
[07:00:28.1526] Slim::Web::Settings::handler (145) Preference names
must be prefixed by "pref_" in the page template: backup_time

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