First, many thanks to all who created this plugin, it is just what I've
been looking for and it works a treat.

However... Since installing this plugin two players that have been
synchronised for months are no longer synchronised after each server
restart.  One is a Squeezebox 3, the other a Softsqueeze that is
running without a display and this Softsqueeze should just play
whatever the Squeezebox is playing.  

Every time the server restarts the settings page for the players in
Squeezecenter shows the players are synchronised, however the
Softsqueeze does not play when the Squeezebox is playing and the
Squeezebox no longer displays the 'Waiting for sync...' message when
play starts.  Resetting the synchronisation from either the web
interface or Squeezebox remote repairs the problem but the setting is
not retained after a server restart.

As far as I can remember the only change I've made to my Squeezecenter
setup was installing this plugin, can it have a side effect like this?

Plugin version Server Power Control (v7.3-RC5-20090101) 
SqueezeCenter Version: 7.2.1 - 23630 @ Mon Oct 20 19:52:55 PDT 2008 -
SUSE - EN - utf8
Server IP address:
Perl Version: 5.8.7 i586-linux-thread-multi
MySQL Version: 4.1.13

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