bpa;609011 Wrote: 
> Strange about the vlcplay logging - perhaps it wasn't persistent between
> SBS restarts ?

Just checked,it's still on now.

bpa;609011 Wrote: 
> My worry about dvb was the sampling frequency of the source since the
> conf file fixed the output at 44.1kHz - I wasn't sure whether source
> was a different frequency e.g. 32kHz and vlc didn't resample.  You'll
> notice if this is a problem as audio will be either too fast or too
> slow.

Sounds just fine to my ears.

bpa;609012 Wrote: 
> In FileTypes you could disable using VLC/Flac and so compress to MP3 -
> less bandwidth. 

I'll leave it until I've cabled the SB Touch. If that works I'llleave
it. The difference in sound quality is quite noticeable, so I'd like to
keep it as is if I can.

bpa;609011 Wrote: 
> Assuming there is no bug, subtitle is really "Artist" and will only show
> in the MoreInfo menu and on Web display. You can get it on SB display if
> you are using one of 3rd party screen saver.

I get Artist tag displayed on my touch so should it display through
Not worried about it just interested.

bpa;609011 Wrote: 
> I think either 2nd instance will find vlc already in use and may just
> end up playing silence or stopping.  Another possibility is 2nd
> instance will change the dvb parameters and you will get two vlc
> streams tuned to same channel.  This may be a dvb driver issue. Does
> the driver support playing many different streams from same
> freq/program - a bit like you can play many http streams off one
> network interface.  The only definitive answer is to try it and see -
> nothing will get broken and at worst a PC reboot may be needed.

As I only have one sb touch at the moment I'll have a play as and when
I can afford to expand the system ;-)

bpa;609011 Wrote: 
> You can sync player if you want same stream out of both.

See previous response.

bpa;609011 Wrote: 
> You did the hard work getting the vlc streaming. Many users give up
> trying to get the right combination to stream.

I can assure you my bit was easy, I enjoy playing ;-)

Are you going to publish this plugin formaly?

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