haschmich;698048 Wrote: 
> Any clues as to what the problem might be?

Gotcha - clue was in the debug log from DynamicMix plugin. Whenever it
requests a new song from MIP, it gets a list back with as many songs as
defined in mmm.ini mixsize field - and then just picks the first. Now
the first song in my case was always the seed song. Which was expected,
as seed was 1. Changing to 0 in mmm.ini and restarting mmserver didn't
seem to do the trick though. After restarting LMS completely everything
seems fine now.

As a side note, it seems like a good idea to set mixsize to a very
small number in mmm.ini for a headless install, since otherwise
DynamicMix will request a mix of up to 75 tracks for every single track
change, while discarding 74 of them. The MusicIP plugin will still
generate static playlists of up to 75 tracks as of its overriding
config in LMS.

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