Hi haschmich <haschmich.5a5lwn1332966...@no-mx.forums.slimdevices.com>,

>Now I get this when DynamicMix is trying to choose a random song. Does
>that mean DynamicMix won't work with SQLite? See

Ah, thanks.  Yes, indeed that is a bug.

This should only happen when determining the next song to play if there are no 
MIP songs returned to select from (exhausted all matches returned that haven't 
already been played).  Likelihood of this can depend on chosen mix settings 
(Recipe, Filter, limit to genre, artist style, etc).

It was mainly a catch-all to try to ensure that something is played even if MIP 
has died (happens for me occasionally, and I use Dynamic Mix as my Alarm Clock 
music source).

I'll make it compatible with SQLite for 7.6+ and release an update soon.

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