Hi dbinder101 <dbinder101.5a904n1333124...@no-mx.forums.slimdevices.com>,

>Do you have any plans on adding a setting to check for the number of
>tracks before repeating an artist? I have just started to use
>DynamicMix as a replacement to SugarCube and so far it's been working
>really well, I really like the mixes that it picks, but I find that it
>repeats the same Artist too often.
I have noticed this occasionally too.  Sometimes I find it will switch 
alternate tracks between two artist's albums.

It's really down to the mix settings and MusicIP.  Try tweaking the settings, 
eg. increase the Variety to make selection a bit more random, or try using one 
of the MusicIP Recipes.

However, I use Erlands CustomSkip.  If I find a mix has ended up selecting very 
similar music (eg. all tracks by a single artist, or on a single album), I set 
up a temporary skip filter (eg. skip this artist for 1 hour).  It will still 
generate the items in the playlist, but should skip songs until it finds one 
that passes the filters.
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