>I conducted some tests regarding my problem with non-ASCII characters in
>filenames. The following is a list of three filenames which DynamicMix
>fails to play. The first variant is the encoding DynamicMix creates,
>the second is obtained from a playlist saved from LMS. Copying and
>pasting the second variant into the "Tune in URL" function of LMS web
>UI works as expected and plays the song.
I've tested some files with accented characters on my server, both with SBS 
7.5.6 and LMS 7.7.2, and everything seems to be working fine for me.

I'm running the server on Windows.

Perhaps you could try again, setting the "plugin.Dynamic Mix" log level to 

Perhaps you could send me one or two example files.  Only the filename should 
matter - rename some small .txt files with filenames from songs that you are 
having trouble with, put them in a .zip and email that to me.  I'll paste these 
filenames back to some test music files, scan in my MusicIP server + LMS and 
try to repeat.

What OS are you running on?

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