Owen Smith wrote: 
>  That attitude dooms LMS to being run by quite a small number of people.

And that is the reality of the situation and always will be. That's why
Logitech dumped it, that's why we're a disregarded blip on the BBC's
radar. We're a small group of techies, to a greater or smaller degree,
who combine interests in music, HiFi, and IT. We are not representative
of the big wide world but we know what we want in our homes/offices/dens
and we've found a way to achieve it. 

Some of us, you Owen, myself and others, have taken it upon ourselves to
preach the gospel to friends, colleagues and family who are completely
NON-techie. We helped them get started knowing the difficulties and
we've taken it upon ourselves to continue helping them as best we can.
The BBC has just made that job a helluva lot harder and, as you may have
noticed, I have been quite outspoken about that. But you have to face up
to the fact that we are a minority "sect" with some dedicated volunteers
who have made Squeezebox into a much better media streaming system than
it ever was under Logitech, and the only system weathering the current
storm with any aplomb. 

So you have to decide - do you continue with your unofficial obligations
to your colleagues with a system that works, albeit with regular
tweaking to cope with a changing world, or advise them to shift
to....well what exactly? Do you see any alternatives around at the
moment that will give them what they're now accustomed to and they will
involve you with less hassle or expense?? 

Because your non-techie pals are more "normal" than us, they probably
already have lots of iThingies. And that's your solution.

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