whitman wrote: 
> I rarely use Live streams, so I'm talking here almost exclusively about
> Listen Again streams.
Rebuffering often happens with live streams since it is "live"  It is
unusual with RTMP (i.e Extras) to rebuffer with "Listen Again" as BBC
usually can send a big burst of data before playing begins as the whole
program is available.

> I'm not sure how to check CPU and network perf stats.

I don't know about OSX tools

Can you describe you local network in more detail e.g. is Mac Mini
running LMS connected to router by wireless ?
What audio format is your file based music that you play ?

Are your players connected with wired or wireless connections ?
If they are wireless - can you test if you get problems if the players
are wired ?

As a test of an AAC stream which will need transcoding like bbc STREAM 
- can you play this Stream and do you get any rebuffering

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