rbl wrote: 
> PlayHLS seems to be working perfectly. Big thank you - the problem had
> been slowly driving me nuts. I can't see what bitrate I am getting, but
> it sounds ok. 

The fact that PlayHLS it works OK means the original problem is with the
BBCiPlayer HLS implementation.  The question is whether to try to solve
it  before BBC changes streaming format again as promised.

> I had thought your previous post of trying Proxied Streaming had worked,
> but then the problem came back with a vengeance after a few days.
If HLS stream problems went away after you changed to Proxied Streaming
then it would have been a placebo effect as Proxied Streaming can only
affect direct stream (i.e. MP3,WMA) and not synced. 

> Changing DNS server didn't seem to make any difference.

If you have LMS on a Windows platform then the DNS solution requires
more than just changing DNS server.

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