On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 12:59:09PM +0100, Ed W wrote:
> Nick Williams wrote:
> >Regarding the passing of the socket into clientconnected - I've wished for
> >this in the past, in order to be able to modify TCP options on the socket,
> >which didn't seem possible in the past... It would be nice if that was
> >possible to get at this (either via some available API which I just haven't
> >noticed, or if these patches provide it at clientconnected time).
> >  
> Indeed - I am toying with using POE for a rewrite of a fairly 
> sophisticated network proxy application over a very low bandwidth 
> connection and one of my initial questions would have been how to get 
> hold of the socket in order to set a bunch of badly documented OS 
> specific options on it (buffer sizes, etc)
> Getting hold of the socket object at listen and connect time is very 
> valuable

You have access to the ReadWrite wheel in $_[HEAP]{client}, so you
have access to the socket via $_[HEAP]{client}->get_input_handle


Chris Williams
aka BinGOs
PGP ID 0x4658671F

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