you staunchly support a woman who enabled a sexual predator and rapist
Clinton has never been tried for rape. 
Unless you have evidence that will hold up in a court of law all you have 
is your wishful thinking slanderous bullshit, as usual.
Donald has also been accused of rape by Ivana and an under-aged girl. By 
your logic he's also a rapist.

On Friday, October 14, 2016 at 10:13:25 AM UTC-5, KeithInTampa wrote:
> Whereas Anti-Americans like you, (and Media Matters) describe it as 
> "pathetic";  thoughtful, common sense Americans like Jerry Falwell and I 
> place no bearing on the smear, and hateful diatribe coming from 
> Anti-Americans like you Plain Ol'!  The fact that you staunchly support a 
> woman who enabled a sexual predator and rapist, while attacking the victims 
> of that sexual predator/rapist; while attacking Donald Trump for an 11 year 
> old audio that was a private conversation between two grown men, discussing 
> women, shows that, (1)  You're a pussy; (2)  You have no common sense; and 
> (3)  You're Anti-American.
> Enough Said.....
> On Fri, Oct 14, 2016 at 10:22 AM, plainolamerican < 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> In the news
>> [image: Image for the news result] 
>> <>
>> Jerry Falwell Jr. will vote for Donald Trump even if he sexually 
>> assaulted women 
>> <>
>> ThinkProgress‎ - 2 days ago
>> A flood of new allegations against Donald Trump came forward Wednesday 
>> evening, ...
>> Jerry Falwell Jr. voting for Trump, despite allegations 
>> <>
>> CNN‎ - 1 day ago
>> Jerry Falwell Jr. Plans To Vote Trump Even If Sexual Assault Stories Are 
>> True 
>> <>
>> TPM‎ - 23 hours ago
>> More news for jerry falwell jr I would vote for Trump even if he sexually 
>> harassed women. 
>> <>
>> ------------------------------
>> Pathetic: Jerry Falwell Jr. says he'd vote for Trump even if he sexually 
>> ... 
>> <>
>> *trump*-*even*-*sexually*-*harass*...
>> <>
>>    1. 
>> <>
>> 2 days ago - Pathetic: Jerry Falwell Jr. says he'd vote for Trump even 
>> if he sexually ... theory against him, and he would vote for JFK Jr. 
>> sexually harassing women too! ... why the hell not, he'd vote for a guy 
>> who sexually harassed everyone!
>> Jerry Falwell Jr. Says He'd Vote For Trump Even If He Sexually ... 
>> <>
>> [image: Video for jerry falwell jr I would vote for Trump even if he 
>> sexually harassed women.]▶ 10:39 
>> <>
>> 1 day ago - Uploaded by Media Buzz
>> Jerry Falwell Jr. Says He'd Vote For Trump Even If He Sexually Harassed 
>> Women.
>> Pathetic: Jerry Falwell Jr. says he'd vote for Trump even if he sexually 
>> ... 
>> <>
>> › Therightscoop
>> <>
>>    1. 
>> <>
>> 2 days ago - Click The Right Scoop Now To Read: Pathetic: Jerry Falwell 
>> Jr. says he'd vote for Trump even if he sexually harassed women, 
>> [UPDATED] by ...
>> Pathetic: Jerry Falwell Jr. says he'd vote for Trump even if he sexually 
>> ... 
>> <>
>> *vote-for-trump*-*even*-*if*-*he*-*sexu*...
>> <>
>>    1. 
>> <>
>> 1 day ago - report this ad Jerry Falwell Jr. said that Trump is a good 
>> man, but he also ... Jr. sayshe'd vote for Trump even if he sexually 
>> harassed women ...
>> Jerry Falwell Jr. Defends Trump Against Sexual Assault Allegations ... 
>> <>
>> *sexual*-assault-allegatio...
>> <>
>>    1. 
>> <>
>> 19 hours ago - Jerry Falwell Jr. dismissed sexual assault allegations 
>> against ... he would still vote for Trump, even if recent allegations 
>> against him proved to be true. ... from women who said they were sexually 
>> harassed by Trump, was “very ...
>> Jerry Falwell Jr. suggests he will vote for Trump despite ... - 
>> <>
>> -new-york-times-report-e...
>> <>
>>    1. 
>> <>
>> CNN
>> 1 day ago - ... Jerry Falwell Jr. suggested he would vote for Donald Trump 
>> even if new allegations of the nominee inappropriately touching women are 
>> ... To reach back decades in an attempt to smear Mr. Trump trivializes 
>> sexual assault, ...
>> Pathetic: Jerry Falwell Jr. says he'd vote for Trump even if he sexually 
>> ... 
>> <>
>> *vote-for-trump*-*even*-*if*-*he*-*s*...
>> <>
>>    1. 
>> <>
>> Pathetic: Jerry Falwell Jr. says he'd vote for Trump even if he sexually 
>> harassed women · Go to Article · jerry-falwell-jr. Jerry Falwell Jr. 
>> said that Trump is a good ...
>> On Friday, October 14, 2016 at 9:09:44 AM UTC-5, KeithInTampa wrote:
>>> What a great video that Plain Ol' included!
>>> Unfortunately, as is typical, Plain Ol' can't help himself, and had to 
>>> lie, prevaricate; and once again demonstrate how he is so Anti-American, 
>>> and that truth hurts him and his cause.  
>>> Jerry Falwell Jr. NEVER SAID:
>>> "I would vote for Trump even if he sexually harassed women."
>>> "Billy Graham is the chief servant of Satan in America."
>>>  "I hope I live to see the day when, as in the early days of our 
>>> country, we won't have any public schools. The churches will have taken 
>>> them over again and Christians will be running them. What a happy day that 
>>> will be!"
>>> "AIDS is the wrath of a just God against homosexuals. To oppose it would 
>>> be like an Israelite jumping in the Red Sea to save one of Pharaoh's 
>>> charioteers ... AIDS is not just God's punishment for homosexuals; it is 
>>> God's punishment for the society that tolerates homosexuals."
>>> "Grown men should not be having sex with prostitutes unless they are 
>>> married to them."
>>> "The abortionists have got to bear some burden for this because God will 
>>> not be mocked. And when we destroy 40 million little innocent babies, we 
>>> make God mad. I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and 
>>> the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to 
>>> make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People for the American Way 
>>> -- all of them who have tried to secularize America -- I point the finger 
>>> in their face and say 'you helped this happen.'" --on the 9/11 attacks
>>> On Fri, Oct 14, 2016 at 9:30 AM, plainolamerican <> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> On Friday, October 14, 2016 at 8:27:53 AM UTC-5, plainolamerican wrote:
>>>>> I have grown to like and respect Jerry Falwell Jr.  He's most 
>>>>> definitely a class act.  
>>>>> ---
>>>>> opinion noted and laughed at.
>>>>> Falwell, Jr said:
>>>>> "I would vote for Trump even if he sexually harassed women."
>>>>> "Billy Graham is the chief servant of Satan in America."
>>>>>  "I hope I live to see the day when, as in the early days of our 
>>>>> country, we won't have any public schools. The churches will have taken 
>>>>> them over again and Christians will be running them. What a happy day 
>>>>> that 
>>>>> will be!"
>>>>> "AIDS is the wrath of a just God against homosexuals. To oppose it 
>>>>> would be like an Israelite jumping in the Red Sea to save one of 
>>>>> Pharaoh's 
>>>>> charioteers ... AIDS is not just God's punishment for homosexuals; it is 
>>>>> God's punishment for the society that tolerates homosexuals."
>>>>> "Grown men should not be having sex with prostitutes unless they are 
>>>>> married to them."
>>>>> "The abortionists have got to bear some burden for this because God 
>>>>> will not be mocked. And when we destroy 40 million little innocent 
>>>>> babies, 
>>>>> we make God mad. I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, 
>>>>> and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying 
>>>>> to 
>>>>> make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People for the American Way 
>>>>> -- all of them who have tried to secularize America -- I point the finger 
>>>>> in their face and say 'you helped this happen.'" --on the 9/11 attacks
>>>>> "Giving Trump an honorary doctorate in the past was unwise, but 
>>>>> comparing him to Jesus was as close to heresy as I ever wish to witness." 
>>>>> - Michael 
>>>>> Farris, the chancellor of Patrick Henry College, who once served as 
>>>>> executive director of Jerry Falwell Sr.'s Moral Majority in Washington, 
>>>>> D.C.
>>>>> On Friday, October 14, 2016 at 7:51:37 AM UTC-5, KeithInTampa wrote:
>>>>>> I have grown to like and respect Jerry Falwell Jr.  He's most 
>>>>>> definitely a class act.   For those of you, (usually like me!)  that 
>>>>>> give 
>>>>>> little credence to anything that Plain Ol' posts, this little nugget is 
>>>>>> contained within the article:
>>>>>> “*I am proud of these few students for speaking their minds but I’m 
>>>>>> afraid the statement is incoherent and false*,” Falwell said in a 
>>>>>> statement. “*I am not ‘touring the country’ or associating Liberty 
>>>>>> University with any candidate. I am only fulfilling my obligation as a 
>>>>>> citizen to ‘render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s’ by 
>>>>>> expressing 
>>>>>> my personal opinion about who I believe is best suited to lead our 
>>>>>> nation 
>>>>>> in a time of crisis. This student statement seems to ignore the 
>>>>>> teachings 
>>>>>> of Jesus not to judge others but they are young and still learning*.”
>>>>>> In another statement Thursday, Falwell questioned the support for 
>>>>>> the group. “*The group of students now speaking out against Trump 
>>>>>> represents a very small percentage of the Liberty student body of 15,000 
>>>>>> resident students and 90,000 online students. The group (led by a never 
>>>>>> Trump activist, I am told) claims to have between 200 and 1200 
>>>>>> signatures 
>>>>>> on a petition but admits that many of these signatories are not Liberty 
>>>>>> students.”*
>>>>>> On Fri, Oct 14, 2016 at 8:23 AM, plainolamerican <
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Students at Virginia’s Liberty University have issued a statement 
>>>>>>> against Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump as young 
>>>>>>> conservatives 
>>>>>>> at some colleges across the country reconsider support for his campaign.
>>>>>>> A statement issued late Wednesday 
>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>  by 
>>>>>>> the group Liberty United Against Trump strongly rebuked the candidate 
>>>>>>> as 
>>>>>>> well as the school’s president, Jerry Falwell Jr., for defending Trump 
>>>>>>> after he made vulgar comments about women in a 2005 video.
>>>>>>> “Donald Trump does not represent our values and we want nothing to 
>>>>>>> do with him,” the statement said. “… He has made his name by maligning 
>>>>>>> others and bragging about his sins. Not only is Donald Trump a bad 
>>>>>>> candidate for president, he is actively promoting the very things that 
>>>>>>> we 
>>>>>>> as Christians ought to oppose.”
>>>>>>> *[U-Va. College Republicans rescind support for Trump 
>>>>>>> <>]*
>>>>>>> Many campus Republican groups have not endorsed their party’s 
>>>>>>> nominee.
>>>>>>> Nationally, Trump seems to have less support from younger 
>>>>>>> Republicans. Less than two-thirds of Republican-leaning voters younger 
>>>>>>> than 30 support Trump, while more than three-quarters of 
>>>>>>> 30-to-64-year-olds 
>>>>>>> and 85 percent of seniors do, in an average of September Washington 
>>>>>>> Post-ABC national polls 
>>>>>>> <>.
>>>>>>> They were also less likely to support Trump in the Republican primaries 
>>>>>>> and 
>>>>>>> caucuses earlier this year.
>>>>>>> And younger Republicans were more likely to say Trump is biased 
>>>>>>> against women and minorities, according to Post-ABC polling in August 
>>>>>>> and 
>>>>>>> early September: In combined surveys, 44 percent of Republican-leaning 
>>>>>>> adults younger than 30 said Trump was biased against women and 
>>>>>>> minorities, 
>>>>>>> compared with a quarter of those age 30 to 64 and one-fifth of those 65 
>>>>>>> and 
>>>>>>> older.
>>>>>>> *[Someone wrote ‘Trump 2016′ on Emory’s campus in chalk. And some 
>>>>>>> students say they no longer feel safe. 
>>>>>>> <>]*
>>>>>>> Some students maintain there is more support on campuses than people 
>>>>>>> realize, because many colleges are so liberal-leaning and politically 
>>>>>>> correct that Trump supporters choose to remain silent about their 
>>>>>>> views. 
>>>>>>> They point to stealth campaigning, such as the “chalkenings” that 
>>>>>>> have happened at some schools  
>>>>>>> <>with
>>>>>>> students waking to find Trump slogans written in chalk all over campus.
>>>>>>> *[At the country’s most elite colleges, some Trump supporters stay 
>>>>>>> closeted 
>>>>>>> <>]*
>>>>>>> But recent revelations about the candidate, including the release of 
>>>>>>> a 2005 video in which he is heard talking about groping women 
>>>>>>> <>,
>>>>>>> have made this a turning point for even some of his ardent supporters 
>>>>>>> and 
>>>>>>> intensified debate about the candidate on many campuses.
>>>>>>> That conflict is crystallized at Liberty. The Lynchburg school was 
>>>>>>> founded by evangelical pastor Jerry Falwell Sr., whose sermons gave 
>>>>>>> rise to 
>>>>>>> a prominent conservative political movement, Moral Majority. The small 
>>>>>>> college Falwell created in 1971 has become an epicenter of evangelical 
>>>>>>> Christian education in the United States and one of the largest 
>>>>>>> universities by enrollment in the country, based in large part on 
>>>>>>> soaring 
>>>>>>> online participation.
>>>>>>> The campus also has become a regular stop for politicians on the 
>>>>>>> campaign trail. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) began his run for the presidency 
>>>>>>> at 
>>>>>>> Liberty. Trump gave a convocation address in front of the student body 
>>>>>>> in 
>>>>>>> January. A week afterward, Falwell Jr. endorsed Trump. In the months 
>>>>>>> since, 
>>>>>>> Falwell has vigorously defended his decision to support the Republican 
>>>>>>> candidate.
>>>>>>> “Jesus said ‘Judge not, lest ye be judged.'” Falwell wrote in an 
>>>>>>> essay for The Washington Post this year. 
>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>  “Let’s 
>>>>>>> stop trying to choose the political leaders who we believe are the most 
>>>>>>> godly because, in reality, only God knows people’s hearts. You and I 
>>>>>>> don’t, 
>>>>>>> and we are all sinners.”
>>>>>>> The students at Liberty University wrote that they felt compelled to 
>>>>>>> speak out in light of Falwell’s steadfast support for Trump even after 
>>>>>>> the 
>>>>>>> candidate’s comments about women and sexual assault.
>>>>>>> “Because our president has led the world to believe that Liberty 
>>>>>>> University supports Donald Trump, we students must take it upon 
>>>>>>> ourselves 
>>>>>>> to make clear that Donald Trump is absolutely opposed to what we 
>>>>>>> believe, 
>>>>>>> and does not have our support,” the Liberty students wrote. “We are not 
>>>>>>> proclaiming our opposition to Donald Trump out of bitterness, but out 
>>>>>>> of a 
>>>>>>> desire to regain the integrity of our school.”
>>>>>>> A spokeswoman for the Trump campaign did not immediately respond to 
>>>>>>> a request for comment Thursday.
>>>>>>> Falwell quickly criticized the student effort against Trump.
>>>>>>> “I am proud of these few students for speaking their minds but I’m 
>>>>>>> afraid the statement is incoherent and false,” Falwell said in a 
>>>>>>> statement. “I am not ‘touring the country’ or associating Liberty 
>>>>>>> University with any candidate. I am only fulfilling my obligation as a 
>>>>>>> citizen to ‘render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s’ by 
>>>>>>> expressing 
>>>>>>> my personal opinion about who I believe is best suited to lead our 
>>>>>>> nation 
>>>>>>> in a time of crisis. This student statement seems to ignore the 
>>>>>>> teachings 
>>>>>>> of Jesus not to judge others but they are young and still learning.”
>>>>>>> In another statement Thursday, Falwell questioned the support for 
>>>>>>> the group. “The group of students now speaking out against Trump 
>>>>>>> represents 
>>>>>>> a very small percentage of the Liberty student body of 15,000 resident 
>>>>>>> students and 90,000 online students. The group (led by a never Trump 
>>>>>>> activist, I am told) claims to have between 200 and 1200 signatures on 
>>>>>>> a 
>>>>>>> petition but admits that many of these signatories are not Liberty 
>>>>>>> students.”
>>>>>>> *[Virginia’s Liberty transforms into evangelical mega-university 
>>>>>>> <>]*
>>>>>>> Dustin Wahl, a junior at Liberty, told The Post that he wrote the 
>>>>>>> Liberty United Against Trump statement and said that about 1,300 
>>>>>>> students, 
>>>>>>> alumni and faculty have left signatures of support. “Since the most 
>>>>>>> recent 
>>>>>>> sexual assault thing, we realized this is a time we can all get behind 
>>>>>>> this 
>>>>>>> and say ‘Enough is enough.’ We do not support our president in his 
>>>>>>> endorsement of Trump and we want the world to know because he’s giving 
>>>>>>> Liberty University a bad name,” Wahl said. ” . . . This is an effort to 
>>>>>>> say 
>>>>>>> Liberty is not Trump university.”
>>>>>>> During the Republican primary, Trump won about 8 percent of the vote 
>>>>>>> in Liberty’s voting precinct, while Sen. Marco Rubio (Fla.) won 44 
>>>>>>> percent 
>>>>>>> and Cruz won 33 percent.
>>>>>>> Wahl said he attended the convocation on campus Wednesday, which 
>>>>>>> included an appearance by Trump’s running mate, Indiana Gov. Mike 
>>>>>>> Pence. 
>>>>>>> Wahl said few students clapped when Pence spoke of Trump. “It was 
>>>>>>> pretty 
>>>>>>> pitiful,” he said. “People associate our degree with the worst 
>>>>>>> presidential 
>>>>>>> candidate in modern history.”
>>>>>>> David Campbell, a political science professor at the University of 
>>>>>>> Notre Dame, said the nation is seeing “mounting evidence for a 
>>>>>>> generational 
>>>>>>> divide within evangelicalism” over the campaign. “Pastors who either 
>>>>>>> are 
>>>>>>> overtly supporting Trump or . . . continue to mix partisan politics 
>>>>>>> should 
>>>>>>> worry about driving young evangelicals away from their church.”
>>>>>>> Younger evangelicals tend to lean more to the left politically than 
>>>>>>> their parents, according to a survey of religious groups from the Pew 
>>>>>>> Research Center.
>>>>>>> Many campus Republican groups have struggled with the choice. On 
>>>>>>> Saturday,Alex Smith <>, national 
>>>>>>> chairman of the College Republican National Committee, posted on 
>>>>>>> Twitter: “The Party of Lincoln is not a locker room, and there is no 
>>>>>>> place 
>>>>>>> for people who think it is. Definitely not with her, but not with him.”
>>>>>>> Smith is not granting interviews at this time, according to a 
>>>>>>> spokesman for the group. The spokesman did not respond to a question 
>>>>>>> about 
>>>>>>> how many chapters have endorsed Trump.
>>>>>>> The New Mexico Federation of College Republicans announced Saturday 
>>>>>>> that they “will not and cannot support Donald Trump.” The group 
>>>>>>> endorsed 
>>>>>>> Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson.
>>>>>>> The Harvard Republican Club took a strong stand in August. “For the 
>>>>>>> first time in 128 years, we, the oldest College Republicans chapter in 
>>>>>>> the 
>>>>>>> nation, will not be endorsing the Republican nominee,” the club said in 
>>>>>>> a 
>>>>>>> statement. “Donald Trump holds views that are antithetical to our 
>>>>>>> values 
>>>>>>> not only as Republicans, but as Americans.”
>>>>>>> The club had been planning to vote on an endorsement when its 
>>>>>>> members were back on campus for the academic year, said its president, 
>>>>>>> Declan Garvey, but a series of events over the summer intensified 
>>>>>>> concern 
>>>>>>> and a survey was sent to members. Only 10 percent supported Trump, he 
>>>>>>> said, 
>>>>>>> and 80 percent were opposed.
>>>>>>> In recent days, he said some of the revelations about Democratic 
>>>>>>> nominee Hillary Clinton disgusted members of the group. Then the video 
>>>>>>> came 
>>>>>>> out. “There was some attrition back to Trump,” Garvey said, but the 
>>>>>>> video 
>>>>>>> “stopped that.”
>>>>>>> The Yale College Republicans wrote of the divides within their 
>>>>>>> group, but in a statement leaders warned of a Clinton victory and wrote 
>>>>>>> in 
>>>>>>> part: “While not every member of our organization supported Trump in 
>>>>>>> the 
>>>>>>> primary, as an organization and branch of the GOP we support 
>>>>>>> Republicans up 
>>>>>>> and down the ballot. And yes, that includes supporting Donald Trump for 
>>>>>>> president.”
>>>>>>> After that decision, some members of the group left to form their 
>>>>>>> own organization. Leaders of the group declined to comment Thursday.
>>>>>>> At Princeton, the College Republicans stayed on the sidelines with a
>>>>>>> statement 
>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>  in 
>>>>>>> August promoting Republican principles but “not taking a definitive 
>>>>>>> position on Donald Trump’s candidacy.” Leaders of the group did not 
>>>>>>> respond 
>>>>>>> immediately to requests for comment Thursday.
>>>>>>> The Cornell University College Republicans endorsed the Libertarian 
>>>>>>> ticket. In a public statement 
>>>>>>> <>,
>>>>>>>  they 
>>>>>>> wrote, in part: “This election’s unprecedented nature has made blind 
>>>>>>> commitment to our Party unpalatable. The Cornell Republicans cannot, in 
>>>>>>> good faith, endorse our party’s nominee. Mr. Trump should not be the 
>>>>>>> face 
>>>>>>> of American conservatism. Instead, we are proud to endorse the true 
>>>>>>> conservative in this election: Gary Johnson.”
>>>>>>> At Washington University in St. Louis, site of the most recent 
>>>>>>> presidential debate, the College Republicans did not endorse Trump. In 
>>>>>>> an 
>>>>>>> op-ed 
>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>  published 
>>>>>>> in Student Life, an independent newspaper, they wrote, “We should note 
>>>>>>> that 
>>>>>>> even the unfamiliar sight of a College Republicans chapter not 
>>>>>>> endorsing 
>>>>>>> their nominee is not uncommon in this election cycle. A myriad of 
>>>>>>> Republicans this year have decided not to endorse Trump either. Many 
>>>>>>> Republicans have realized that we need a candidate who will follow the 
>>>>>>> guidance of and adhere to the United States constitution, and not a 
>>>>>>> nominee 
>>>>>>> who speaks of his presidency as a ‘reign.’”
>>>>>>> In Virginia, while some students support Trump, others have recently 
>>>>>>> withdrawn support after the video, said Rachel Moss, a junior who is a 
>>>>>>> member of the James Madison University College Republicans and serves 
>>>>>>> as 
>>>>>>> communication director for the College Republican Federation of 
>>>>>>> Virginia. Since many chapters have not publicly endorsed Trump, Moss 
>>>>>>> said 
>>>>>>> that the federation is encouraging college students to focus on 
>>>>>>> congressional races.
>>>>>>> On Tuesday, the University of Virginia College Republicans voted to 
>>>>>>> rescind the group’s Trump endorsement. “We do not feel Donald Trump 
>>>>>>> accurately represents the way we view and conduct ourselves,” the 
>>>>>>> group’s 
>>>>>>> executive board wrote in a statement.
>>>>>>> At Washington and Lee University in Lexington, Va., the College 
>>>>>>> Republicans did not officially endorse Trump because the group “exists 
>>>>>>> for 
>>>>>>> the betterment of the Republican Party as a whole, not select 
>>>>>>> Republican 
>>>>>>> candidates,” said Caroline Bones, chair of the club. Bones noted that 
>>>>>>> “like 
>>>>>>> the larger Republican Party, there is room for disagreements within our 
>>>>>>> membership. We fully recognize that not every Republican supports Mr. 
>>>>>>> Trump. ”
>>>>>>> At Virginia Tech, the College Republicans did not formally endorse 
>>>>>>> Trump but wrote in a statement to The Post that as a “partisan, 
>>>>>>> Republican 
>>>>>>> organization, our organization does support the Republican nominee for 
>>>>>>> President.”
>>>>>>> Virginia Commonwealth University’s College Republicans chapter 
>>>>>>> recently voted once again to “unanimously and emphatically” endorse 
>>>>>>> Trump. John Rackoski, vice president of communication for the group, 
>>>>>>> said 
>>>>>>> that they are “obviously disgusted” by what Trump said on the tape but 
>>>>>>> that 
>>>>>>> it “is no worse than the language we hear used in public on campus on a 
>>>>>>> daily basis, from both men and women. … A firestorm has erupted over 
>>>>>>> Trump’s dirty jokes told in private to other men over 11 years ago, 
>>>>>>> which 
>>>>>>> hurt no one.”
>>>>>>> The students at Liberty University ended their statement by noting 
>>>>>>> that “while everyone is a sinner and everyone can be forgiven, a man 
>>>>>>> who 
>>>>>>> constantly and proudly speaks evil does not deserve our support for the 
>>>>>>> nation’s highest office.”
>>>>>>> The statement concluded: “We want the world to know how many 
>>>>>>> students oppose him. We don’t want to champion Donald Trump; we want 
>>>>>>> only 
>>>>>>> to be champions for Christ.”
>>>>>>> -- 
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