Steve Abrahamson / 2005/05/04 / 12:44 PM wrote:

>On a related not about file references, I've noticed over time that PM
>has lost file reference integrity. An example: I got pics from a ski trip
>from a friend; when I went back to find that picture, PM thought the
>enclosure was an html file - clearly wrong. I had to root through the
>Attachments folder manually to find the jpg I was looking for. This is
>not uncommon with older mail.
>Is anyone else experiencing this problem?

On a related note.... :-)
If the mail is older than a few month, all the attachments within PM
display are grayed.  Nope, I didn't move them.  I can find them in the
attachment directory easily, but this can be time consuming if the file
name is rather generic.  I was kinda giving up on it, tho.


- Hiro


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