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Here's what I do. I usually don't like defining global variables. I
define a global variable at the beginning of the script

global: "theText"

tell application "PowerMail"
  set theText to the selection  --if that works then it's really simple
end tell

I find this takes care of the problem between passing variables between
different tell statements. See if that works for you. If PM doesn't like
the assignment of the variable from the selection you'll have to figure
something else from the message that you want to capture (From, Subject,
whatever) and assign that in the usual fashion. I think defining a global
variable will make the difference for you here.

Andy Fragen

On Wed, Apr 28, 2004, Marlyse Comte said:

>Thanks Andy.
>I still believe that if I can adjust the first part of my script to PM's
>syntax, it would work. 
>Maybe I am asking just too complicated of what I need.
>It's just 2 things:
>how do I define a variable, e.g. called theText
>and how do I copy a PM selection into that variable so I can pass it on?
>I get to the point of having PM's selection copied but then I get AS
>error of the variable theText not defined. Then I try defining that
>variable and then again it won't copy what I want... going in circles.
>------------ former message(s) quotes: -------------
>>Sorry Marlyse,
>>I saw both messages and have only written one script for PM and iCal.
>>Taking an Outlook invitation and making it into an iCal entry. I found
>>iCal's AppleScript dictionary very lacking.
>>I seem to recall something about sending a message in the future, some
>>time ago but I don't recall whether it was using PM or Entourage. Sorry.
>>Andy Fragen
>>On Wed, Apr 28, 2004, Marlyse Comte said:
>>>I've posted 2x within a week a question about PM and AppleScript and both
>>>times not one reaction. Not even telling me it doesn't work what I want.
>>>This kind of amazes me - is there really NOBODY around who would like to
>>>use PM with iCAL and alarms to be reminded to send specific emails,
>>>nicely linked to speed up procedure? If so, how do you guys keep track of
>>>those - e"mail me in a week" or "email me in 10 days" - demands?
>>>Really curious,

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