On   Wed, Apr 28, 2004  at  5:40 PM,   Marlyse Comte   sent forth:

>Thanks Andy.
>I still believe that if I can adjust the first part of my script to PM's
>syntax, it would work. 
>Maybe I am asking just too complicated of what I need.
>It's just 2 things:
>how do I define a variable, e.g. called theText
>and how do I copy a PM selection into that variable so I can pass it on?
>I get to the point of having PM's selection copied but then I get AS
>error of the variable theText not defined. Then I try defining that
>variable and then again it won't copy what I want... going in circles.

I'd love to see the finished result.  In my case though, I would modify
it for Now-Up-To-Date & Contact (NUDC), instead of iCal.  NUDC is
supposedly fully scriptable and should therefore be an excellent
candidate for such modifications.

Let us know how things are progressing.

My only problem is that the coding part of my brain seems to have
fossilized, possibly due to almost 12 years of fatherhood.  In the past
I've coded in languages ranging from BASIC to VAX Assembler to COBOL to
Modula 2, with  C, FORTRAN and Pascal thrown in for good measure.

Yet Applescript continues to confound me beyond the simplest of routines.  :-(

Tim Lapin

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