Rick Lecoat wrote:

>Can someone explain to me how to use the filter condition "Folder Is:"?

It does not work in b12 (it works like [folder] [is not] instead of
[folder] [is]).

Jérôme - PowerMail Engineering

   "PowerMail is by far the most stable, trouble-free, well-rounded mail
    application I've seen in over 15 years. I'd buy this application again
    in a second. The staff at ctmdev is always Johnny-on-the-spot if there's
    an issue. Simple smooth interface and filtering is great. Once a user
    sets up the filters they perform almost invisibly. Multiple user
    environements is great and the ability to have the same user
    environment in OSX and OS9 (for those of use that still must boot
    into OS9 to work occassionally) is absolutely wonderful.
    The only additions I'd like to see are inline attachements and the
    ability to add more alert sounds to the application.
    Again, this is an absolutely wonderful application."
  PowerMail user comment on www.versiontracker.com

         Download a demo version from www.ctmdev.com

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