>Moritz Majce hat am Samstag, 14. Juli 2007 geschrieben:
>>this is how it looks like when i click the reply-button the first time.
>>this is how it looks like after i closed the window and then re-clicked
>>the reply-button.
>>it has nothing to do with language settings or intel/ppc.
>This pictures were helpful!
>I guess it could have to do with the used font.
>Try to play with. (I use Verdana for the list letters.)

 I tried different fonts in different sizes. each time quitting the
program and restarting.

no effect.

>Here (german version):
>PowerMail/Einstellungen/Anzeige/Eigene Schrift für die Listendarstellung
>(should be activated, then choose a font [or a different one])
>(The font for the lists has effects also to the letters in that boxes.)

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