On   Monday, January 7, 2008,   Marlyse Comte   sent forth:

>it rings a bell... but this was several PM versions ago and might no
>longer be an issue (but I can not recall what exactly THIS problem was).
>the only thing I DO remember is that you will need to go through your
>filters after because what I had happening after I deleted an account
>was some miss-filtering as some filters were referencing the now deleted
>------------ former message(s) quotes: -------------
>>Hi all;
>>I'm about to 'rationalise' my email setup which might mean getting rid
>>of some email accounts in PM. I seemed to recall that someone on this
>>list had problems with Powermail after removing accounts from the
>>Accounts list -- something about displaying mail in the browser if the
>>account used to retrieve it was no longer in existence? 

The only thing I can recall is something I noted about Apple Mail.  If
you deleted an account in Apple Mail, all the mail associated with that
account would be deleted along with it.

I'm not aware of any problems in PowerMail associated with accessing
mail belonging to deleted accounts.

Tim Lapin
Intel iMac    OS 10.4.11    PowerMail 5.5.3     1 GB RAM     250 GB HD

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