I am needing to be able to access email and other files from various locations, and have set up a Dropbox account to facilitate that (1: <http://www.dropbox.com > )... it maintains sync of files placed in it's folder between various locations using the same account via internet. Totally transparent and very nice.

So my question is two-fold: it is possible to have 3 or more installs of Powermail be able to access a single database folder, and/or is it possible for more than one user to access a database folder at a time, or more specifically, is the database capable of autosave from multiple locations at the same time without corrupting? I ask this 'corruption' question because I already know, and it has been documented, that there is an issue in this regard using Dropbox with Filemaker, and we've had to take measures to ensure safety in that regard.

Also: is it possible to have separate databases on a single install for different email accounts?

Does this even make sense to you? It does to me, but I fear my explanation may be somewhat lacking...

John Snippe

1: if this interests you, please sign in via this link... we both benefit: https://www.dropbox.com/link/39.3o5y9pUrUR?lk=7d217b1b71462635

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