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Am 07.07.10 14:07, schrieb John Snippe:
> I am needing to be able to access email and other files from various
> locations, and have set up a Dropbox account to facilitate that (1:
> <http://www.dropbox.com> )... it maintains sync of files placed in it's
> folder between various locations using the same account via internet. 
> Totally transparent and very nice.
> So my question is two-fold:  it is possible to have 3 or more installs
> of Powermail be able to access a single database folder, and/or is it

imho this is possible as long as the different clients don't access the
database in the same time.

> possible for more than one user to access a database folder at a time,

I don't think so.
For that you would need a client-server database, imho the PM database
was not designed for that purpose. Maybe Jérôme can clarify that.

> or more specifically, is the database capable of autosave from multiple
> locations at the same time without corrupting?   I ask this 'corruption'
> question because I already know, and it has been documented, that there
> is an issue in this regard using Dropbox with Filemaker, and we've had
> to take measures to ensure safety in that regard.

why don't you use IMAP and shared folders for that?

> Also:  is it possible to have separate databases on a single install for
> different email accounts?

this is possible.
You can change the environment from the file menu.


> Does this even make sense to you?  It does to me, but I fear my
> explanation may be somewhat lacking...
> -- 
> John Snippe
> 1:  if this interests you, please sign in via this link... we both
> benefit: https://www.dropbox.com/link/39.3o5y9pUrUR?lk=7d217b1b71462635

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