Thanks Jérôme for telling us it's broken.

It makes me feel better to know that it's NOT my data even though I
suspected it was a Powermail problem.

I suspect a large number of your users are power users where email is a
very important part of their operation. Knowing that our very valuable
email file is NOT corrupted is critical, and with all data in one file,
even more important than with other systems.

It's not that I suspect Powermail itself of corrupting data, but that
I've been around computer systems for over 40 years and I know that bad
stuff happens to data files even when everything appears to be OK. We
tell our customers to backup frequently, and to verify database
integrity on a regular basis. Customers that lose data are not happy

Now I think it's time for me to do a compact database...

  Bill Schjelderup, President
  COMPanion Corporation                    801-365-0555 voice
  1831 Fort Union Blvd.                      801-943-7752 fax
  Salt Lake City, Utah 84121-3041
Nusquam est qui ubique est. - He who is everywhere is nowhere.
This email message is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and
may contain confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized
review, use, disclosure, or distribution is prohibited.  If you are NOT
the intended recipient, I'm sorry to bother you and will attempt to
address my messages more carefully in the future.

Don Zahniser wrote:

>Everything seemed to work except the
>low-level rebuild.  I got a series of errors, one for each database
>component that needed rebuilding.  In each case, the error codes were
>the same:
>Class-DB what=100 err=130

Low-level rebuild is currently broken. However, its only purpose it to
fix some cases where compact database could fail.
If you can successfully compact, verify the consistency, rebuild sort
and search indices, then your database is safe.
If you have troubles exporting the entire mail database in PowerMail
Exchange format, you can try exporting one or a few folders at a time
using "the selected mail folders" option. You can also search for
messages in a given date range, mail account etc, then select them in
the search result window, and export "the selected messages".

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

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