On Tue, Nov 4, 2008 at 8:01 PM, Ricardo Araoz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Stephen Russell wrote:
>> A web app has the power of change.  Quick change, across the world
>> with very little impact on your infrastructure when you do.  The
>> ability to add another language allowing your app to open up another
>> market is easy in a web environment.
> As opposed to difficult in a desktop app? C'mon!

Changing 50,000 desktop apps across 15 countries?  What if your change
was in 2 new GUIs and 15 biz rules?  Your site will have to pound out
new EXE delivery attempts.

>> CSS to control the look of your site is fantastic.  Making a change in
>> that layout will save you from hitting every form in your winform
>> system.
> You mean as in using classes and inheritance or composition?

I would say composition in the fact that Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
is a simple mechanism for adding style (fonts, colors, spacing,
images) to Web documents.

It is not inheretance and is client based, so it is download once and
reuse as needed.

Stephen Russell
Sr. Production Systems Programmer
Memphis TN


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