
On 10 Jul 2011, at 16:59, Roger Bishop Jones wrote:

> Rob,
> On Sunday 10 Jul 2011 15:59, you wrote:
>> What happens if you just run doctex and then texdvi on
>> this file:
>> x
>> For me it fails on the second GFT section, when the
>> %notmem% character is expanded to \notin rather than
>> \not\in.
> You just asked me to run doctex on a tex file, so I skipped 
> that step.
> When I ran texdvi I got:
> ! Illegal parameter number in definition of \Temp.
> <to be read again> 
>                   \crcr 
> l.14 \Backslash{}notin : \PrNL{}\PrIO{}\PrNN
>                                                  {}\\
> What I normally do is run "docpdf" which is my own lash up 
> (using "makeindex").

And presumably your docpdf calls pdflatex (which will fail in just the same way 
as texdvi on this example, I think you will find). So with this very simple 
example, the way ProofPower.sty does it works and the workaround you needed to 
get it working in your real example doesn't work. I think the next step has to 
be for you to try adding the style files you use to the simple example to see 
if we can figure out which one is causing the problem.



> Roger
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