On 12:57 AM 5/03/2001 -0600, Heart said:
>When I try to run a BOM on one sheet of a project I get a "Class not 
>registered" error.  I can't get any of the three formats to work.
>Does anyone know what the problem is?
>Heart Akerson
>Heart Transverters S.A.
>Costa Rica


This is what I wrote to a colleague who had the same problem - I found the 
info on the Protel KB:

>This error can be fixed by running the P99SE Setup.exe (from the CD) and 
>running Repair installation.
>The problem is a registry corruption or change.  Apparently the most 
>likely cause of this problem is un-installation of an earlier version of 
>Protel.  There are possibly other ways as well.
>Another method of fixing the problem is to follow the instructions to be 
>found at the bottom of the following www page:
>This later method has the advantage of not possibly stuffing up your 
>service pack installations.

Should fix your problem.

Ian Wilson

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