Ian Wilson wrote:

> On 12:11 AM 1/11/2001 +1100, Darren Moore said:
> >All,
> >
> >You may what to have a look at the Protel site, they
> >(Altium) have a new support plan...
> >
> >Darren
> I read this as the coming end of the free service packs.

No, they say in this document
that all current customers will still get free service packs,
technical support and libraries.  And, they say that existing
99SE licenses CAN NOT BUY ATS!  SO, first, you have to
buy a NEW license to 99SE,  ONLY THEN can you buy ATS!

> I can't see anything in the ATS package that is not offered now for free,
> except the automatic receipt of a new version (as opposed to the service
> packs).  We get service packs, we get add-ons, we get access to the
> libraries, yep, the tutorials are there, so too the KB, and even the tech
> support phones and emails are answered (sometime a bit slowly though).  So
> what do we really get that is new with this nigh on $4000 (pacific peso's)
> annual cost.
> So Altium is falling into line with all the other subscription/maintenance
> type systems - a great method of ensuring that a company does not need to
> perform.  If Protel 2001, or whatever, is no good we won't pay for it.  So
> Altium have an incentive to do a good job.  If we are on maintenance, where
> is their incentive to convince us to part with our money?

Yes, and the next step (coming soon, I'm sure) is limited-time
licenses, so if you don't renew, the software stops working!


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