At 11:50 AM 12/18/01 +1100, Ian Wilson wrote:
The only method I know of to reliably clear the DRC error created when 
No-Net pad connects to a No-Net track/fill is to add them to the sch so 
they are no longer no-nets.

>A pain, isn't it.

Design is a pain, else they would not pay us to do it.

Conceptually, if a pad is required for a test point or optional connection 
of a "no-net" pin, it is required wiring and thus should be on the 
schematic. You can create those patterns in a flash: make a single-pin 
symbol with a footprint which is a single pad. You can pop this symbol 
directly down on any unused pin; it serves in place of a No-ERC Directive.

You DO put No-ERC Directives on unconnected pins and include unconnected 
pin warnings in your ERC, don't you?


I had a friend who was a hotel "tester." His job was to go to hotels and 
fine restaurants and "test" them. I.e., take advantage of all the services, 
eat the meals, etc., etc., and then report on the service.

Now, if I could just get a job testing hot tubs and massage therapists, I'd 
seriously think of saying goodbye to printed circuit design....

My hotel tester friend ended up having problems with his weight and 
alcoholism, I wonder what beasts would rear their ugly heads from too much 

Abdulrahman Lomax
Easthampton, Massachusetts USA

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