Just casting my vote for the solution Martin proposed.  Simple and to
the point.


On Feb 6, 11:18 am, "Martin Ström" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Exacly my point. This shouldn't be seen as a replacement for a more
> robust solution like the one earlier in this thread or the existing
> Builder but more of a document.createElement-wrapper.
> I'll submit a patch asap!
> Ciao
> martin
> On 2/6/07, Mislav Marohnić <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Andrew: that two features bring us back to Dan's or mine implementations and
> > take out the lightweightness of Martin's elegant solution.
> > Martin: by all means, submit a patch with tests on the already existing
> > ticket:
> >http://dev.rubyonrails.org/ticket/7476#comment:1
> > Doing so will enable easy reviewing and comparing.
> > -m
> > On 2/6/07, Andrew Dupont <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Martin, I like your implementation a lot (especially the
> > > Element.writeAttributes idea, which I think should be added no matter
> > > what) but it's missing two things I like most about Dan Webb's
> > > DOMBuilder:
> > > * Tags as method names.  Much easier to do x.DIV(foo, bar) than to do
> > > new Element("div", foo, bar).
> > > * Easy nesting (like "x.DIV( x.P ( x.SPAN() ) )").  DOMBuilder
> > > responds differently based on the number and types of arguments
> > > passed.
> --
> burnfield.com/martin

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