On Jul 11, 10:18 am, Jeff Watkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Alex, I like the class definition function method with the exception
> of returning a hash. It seems like it ought to be one way or the
> other. But then, I've never had any problem just going long-hand with
> my class definitions.

Returning the hash isn't strictly necessary. You could just use:

var Person = Class.create(function() {
  Class.add(this, {
    // instance methods defined here

> One small quibble, I think it might be a little more clear were the
> class explicitly passed to the closure rather than using this. For
> most people, this is synonymous with an instance.

Yes, the very first version I wrote did in fact do that. I changed it
on the advice of some friends after they looked at the syntax. Perhaps
that change was for the worse. The original had syntax that looked

var Person = Class.create(function(self) {

  self.classMethod = function() {};
  self.prototype.instanceMethod = function() {};

  Class.add(self, Module);

  // ...

On another note, I missed a rather neat usage in the original usage
Conditionally adding methods:

var Person = Class.create(function() {
  if (someCondition) {
    Class.add(this, {
      // instance methods
  } else {
    Class.add(this, {
      // different instance methods

var Person = Class.create(function() {

  var methods = {
    // default instance methods

  if (someCondition) {
    Object.mixin(instanceMethods, {
      // nuke some methods


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