I'm getting more and more convinced that extra magic such as classMethods
and aliasMethods are unnecessary.  You guys are making some great points.
Keeping it simple is best.

+1 for sup() ... very low risk of naming conflict, and no ugly symbol (I
won't go a far as saying bad design, but it certainly isn't pretty)

For superclass and subclasses, what do folks think about prefixing them with
an underscore and making them "private", in the name of keeping the API as
simple as possible.  Do you think you'll actually use them if they are

On 6/25/07, Andrew Dupont <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I agree with everything Mislav said and would adopt that syntax in a
> heartbeat.
> My only concern is with the signature of Class.create and
> Class.extend. I feel like having instance methods and class methods in
> adjacent arguments can hurt the readability of the code. If you're
> skimming a file you might miss the closing of one object literal and
> the opening of another -- thus missing the transition from instance
> methods to class methods. Then again, there are ways around that;
> perhaps it's up to the individual developer to solve that problem.
> On Jun 25, 9:48 am, "Mislav Marohnić" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > You can't achieve this in JavaScript. Simply let it go.
> I agree. Trying to emulate keywords with methods is hard enough;
> trying to emulate them with magic property names is even harder. It
> will lead to despair. Let's focus on solving the 80% problem in this
> release; if we need to add bells and whistles later on, we can, but if
> we put them in now we won't be able to remove them later.
> Cheers,
> Andrew
> >

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