Hi Justin,
    Thanks for your reply!

    When I type the name in the text box, the values get dispalyed from
database. However, it doesn't show the space even there while I'm looking at
the data & scrolling down the results!!

     I know it is happening due to the html behaviour. In that case, this
library will never be able to return me the expacted behaviour even if I
pass the  

     Does any one have any bright idea or work around ????

     I really appreciate all your input & thanka again for the reply!!!


On Mon, Sep 8, 2008 at 2:19 PM, Justin Perkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> If the server-side code returns something like:
> <ul>
>  <li>foo&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;bar</li>
>  <li>hello&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;world</li>
> </ul>
> Then these spaces will absolutely be preserved in the list that the
> Autocompleter returns. Once that value shows up in your input box, the
> non-breaking spaces will be just normal spaces. If you save that data
> and the preservation of spaces is important, then it is your job to
> handle it appropriately.
> There is no bug in this behavior.
> You can use whatever HTML code you want for the returned HTML, but you
> will need to alter the new Ajax.Autocompleter(...) code so that it
> looks for the correct tag, by default it looks for a <li>. Also, you
> cannot have one or more <li> elements that are stand-alone, they must
> be inside a <ul> or <ol>.
> -justin
> >

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