> Actually, I'm not sure it matters now. See here:
> http://jquery.com/blog/2008/09/28/jquery-microsoft-nokia/
> Looks to me like jQuery has gained enough momentum that my time is better
> spent porting the Prototype functionality I want and need to jQuery. That
> makes me really unhappy, but that's how it seems to have turned out.

I probably should just bite my tongue and stay out of this rat hole,
but c'mon. So jQuery wins because you'll have code completion in
Visual Studio when developing your ASP.NET applications or creating a
stocks widget for a phone???

If using jQuery makes you unhappy, then use whatever makes you happy.
You aren't going to wake up some morning and find Prototype
mysteriously missing. Prototype's roots are buried deep into Ruby and
Ruby on Rails which is what I like most about it...it gives me a taste
of the good life in my otherwise boring life as a Java programmer. And
just like Rail's take on things I don't think Prototype should strive
to be mainstream (or at least it shouldn't be it's #1 goal).
"Everyone" using something is certainly flattering, but there are some
negatives, just ask Microsoft about the perception of Windows.

My $.02,


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