Hi Walter,
Ive put up my code here http://jsbin.com/ucebi.
The funny part is, its working there. im not able to replicate the behaviour
i get at my end.

http://jsbin.com/ucebi/edit should show u the code. Do take a look.

On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 12:24 PM, Vinay Seshadri <yourstruly.vi...@gmail.com
> wrote:

> Hi Walter,
> Ill do that. It might take a little time though. Half a day?
> Also, in the meanwhile, im using toggle.slide elsewhere in the app but im
> using RJS there and not pure JS. That is giving me the same problem. I
> thought ill post that code too in case it helps.. so here it is..
> the main html page
> ...
> <div class="formwrapr">
> <%= check_box :options, :send_mail, {}, "true", "false" %> Send email
> updates?
>  <%= observe_field :options_send_mail, :url => {:action => 'do_magic'},
> :method => :get %>
> <div id="send_mail_fields" <% if !options.send_mail?%>
> style="display:none;"<%end%>>
>  <% fields_for :mail, @options.mail do |@mail_fields| %>
> <%=render :partial => 'mail'%>
>  <% end %>
> </div>
> </div>
> ...
> So if the user has already asked for sending email updates previously, this
> div will be shown, otherwise, it wont. When the check box is handles, a
> controller action called 'do_magic' is called. There's no code in there. It
> just defaults down to do_magic.rjs, a template where i have the following
> line of RJS code which basically gets translated to the obvious JS.
> page.visual_effect :toggle_slide, :send_mail_fields
> The following is the content of the 'mail' partial which is rendered within
> "send_mail_fields"
> Every
> <%= @mail_fields.collection_select :frequency_in_days, Duedate.find(:all),
> :no_of_days, :no_of_days, {:include_blank=>true}, :index => nil %> days |
> How many comments?
> <%= @mail_fields.text_field :no_of_comments, :size => 5, :index => nil %>
> I DONT have the above content wrapped in an enclosing div. Just a point to
> note.
> This as i mentioned before, gives me the same problem. Maybe it helps.
> Thanks Walter.. will get back after i find a place to post a working
> example of my code.
> On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 11:49 AM, Walter Lee Davis <wa...@wdstudio.com>wrote:
>> I've tried a simple example here, and the only way I can get it to
>> break is if I try to slide an empty DIV up and down. Clearly that's
>> not your problem here.
>> Is there some way you could post a cut-down example somewhere live?
>> Run your Rails app locally, view source, copy and paste into a text
>> editor, and fix up the paths to the scripts. (Use Googles CDN, f.e.)
>> Post that somewhere we can look at it and click on it.
>> Walter
>> On Apr 24, 2009, at 1:11 AM, Vinay Seshadri wrote:
>> > Hi Walter,
>> >
>> > Tried what you suggested. I watched this line under the HTML tag in
>> > Firebug
>> >
>> > <div id="comments-section" class="form" style="display: none;">
>> >>
> --
> In Sport We Trust !!!

In Sport We Trust !!!

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