> Sure, after figuring out why exceptions are disappearing, and then
> figuring out how to get around that all-encompassing exception block
> surrounding the responder.  It's a lot of digging to get reasonable
> default behavior.

Or, you know, read the documentation. ;-)

No, seriously, we'll have to agree to disagree on this.  I'm just one
counterpoint to your statement that "most people" would expect
something else.  I wouldn't.  I expected, and quickly found when I
started using Prototype's Ajax stuff, exactly what's there.  I find
the default behavior quite reasonable.

-- T.J. :-)

On May 14, 8:54 pm, Glenn Maynard <gl...@zewt.org> wrote:
> On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 3:24 AM, T.J. Crowder <t...@crowdersoftware.com> 
> wrote:
> > I don't think they would, but more to the point, "raised normally"
> > *where*?  In the normal case (asynchronous requests), the code that
> > initiated the request has long since completed.  So unless you mean
> > raising exceptions to the browser (which doesn't seem like a good
> > idea, and can result in your script being terminated completely), I
> > don't see where it would get raised.  And there's no standard for a
> > global exception catcher, is there?  Some browsers have them, I think,
> > but I don't know of a standard for one.  So even if Prototype raised
> > the exception globally, how would you handle it?
> Errors in my code, when I havn't installed any error handler
> explicitly, should be returned to the browser, to be displayed in the
> usual error windows.  If I want some other behavior, I'll install an
> error handler (whether a try/catch block or, for Ajax.Request, an
> onException handler).  Discarding errors by default is very strange.
> The exception should minimally be re-thrown if no onException
> handlers, local or global, exist.  Attached patch (not heavily tested)
> shows what I mean.
> > to be a fairly useful paradigm.  (try = request, catch = onException,
> > finally = onComplete)  Maybe there could be an argument for
> Errors in onComplete are also sent to onException, so I think this
> mapping is a little off.
> > If you want to semi-globally handle all exceptions in Ajax requests,
> > as you show you can do it with a responder.  If you want to semi-
> Sure, after figuring out why exceptions are disappearing, and then
> figuring out how to get around that all-encompassing exception block
> surrounding the responder.  It's a lot of digging to get reasonable
> default behavior.
> --
> Glenn Maynard
>  prototype-1.5-ajax-rethrow.diff
> < 1KViewDownload
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