
Instead of moving the wiki content to official prototype's page,
couldn't we just rename it as "Official" Wiki and link it from the
prototypejs homepage?
This would allows more peoples to find the content while still let
them add/edit content if they wish it.

The howtos (and some of the tips) are a real added value and are not
available anywhere (afaik).

Of course, since the wiki is also about scriptaculous we may have to
find a clear way to not confuse users which just need prototype


On Apr 9, 12:43 pm, "T.J. Crowder" <t...@crowdersoftware.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> > I think the site needs an integrated contribution system for Prototype
> > Extensions, better than jQuery's(http://plugins.jquery.com/).
> One thing at a time. :-) And of course, there's scripteka.com.
> > Some want something easier than learning git,
> > rake, lighthouse, etc.,  in order to contribute; maybe a web front-end
> > to whichever code is in place, to lower the barrier to contributing.
> Good news: Apparently in GitHub, you can fork the project and do on-
> site editing of content (Mislav and Tobie just told me about that),
> then send a pull request. So if git is a barrier, someone can
> contribute just using a browser. Result!
> -- T.J. :-)
> On Apr 9, 3:17 am, disccomp <discc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > T.J. Crowder:
> > > Question:
> > > Do we need a wiki with user-generated content?
> >   We should:
> > > just move all of the relevant content to the Prototype website and make 
> > > sure the
> > > process for contributing to the website is well-publicized, easy, and
> > > efficient
> > I think the site needs an integrated contribution system for Prototype
> > Extensions, better than jQuery's(http://plugins.jquery.com/). It would
> > be great if the extensions and the patch submission system shared a
> > contribution system. Some want something easier than learning git,
> > rake, lighthouse, etc.,  in order to contribute; maybe a web front-end
> > to whichever code is in place, to lower the barrier to contributing.
> > User generated code and examples could be posted & maintained right on
> > the site with (Prototype Friendly) syntax highlighting.
> > Rico 2.0  has lots of goodies[1], so does Scriptaculous, it would be
> > awesome to sync all these projects up, make the components modular
> > with clear a dependance scheme, especially when considering the future
> > of the library.
> > [1]http://openrico.sourceforge.net/examples/index.html

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