Sat, Sep 16, 2000 at 01:16:57PM +0200, Francisco Xosé Vázquez Grandal escribiu:

>       Mentras non remato o gimp-script-fu.pot vou coller tamen o
>gimp-FreeType, que este traduzoo de volado (de feito xa case esta). O

        Anotado. :)

>Hinting: Eu traducin como Indicando pero non remata de convencerme.
>Kerning: Esta si que non teño nin idea. ¿Nucleando? X-D

        Facendo indagacións no código fonte... sonche cousas de TrueType,
termos específicos, polo que imaxino que non son traducibles (e menos por
cousas relacionadas con hint e kernel) X-)))

        Da documentación do freetype:


TrueType is a scalable font format: it is thus possible to render glyphs at
any scale, and under any affine transform, from a single source
representation. However, simply scaling vectorial shapes exhibits at small
sizes (where "small" refers here to anything smaller than at least 150
pixels) a collection of un-harmonious artifacts, like widths and/or heights

Because of this, the format also provides a complete programming language
used to design small programs associated to each glyph. Their role is to
align the point positions on the pixel grid after the scaling. This
operation is hence called "grid-fitting", or even "hinting".


An interesting effect that most people appreciate is "kerning". It
consists in modifying the spacing between two successive glyphs
according to their outlines. For example, a "T" and a "y" can be
easily moved closer, as the top of the "y" fits nicely under the
"T"'s upper right bar.

        Nunca te deitarás... :DDD

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