Desde a lista xeral l10n de LibreOffice

Trátase dunha ferramenta que permite tradución cruzada, transversal
(isto é o novidoso) para todos os proxectos de localización nun
Está integrada nun Drupal7 e funciona simplemente con LAMP
Baseada en xestión de Po, facilita a exportación a upstream para cada
proxecto en particular en calquera momento e tamén un control sobre as
traducións feitas por un grupo amplo

Se funcionase como promete permite un cambio de paradigma na forma de
traballo para lograr a homoxeneización e reutilización do esforzo de
tradución. Complementariase cunha ferramenta de xestión terminolóxica.

    24. Documentation:How B-Translator worksThe process/workflow for a
project without translation:
    1. Checkout POT files from the repository of the project.
    2. Import them into the DB.
    3. Over some time, collect translation suggestions from the users.
These translations can also be reviewed and evaluated by other users.
    4. Export the PO files from the DB.
    5. Review, fix and reformat them as needed. 6. Upload/commit the
PO files into the repository of the project.
    7. When a new POT file is released, start over again from the
beginning (but this time we also import the PO file, besides the POT

    25. Documentation:How B-Translator worksThe process/workflow for
the case when the feedback provided by thesystem is integrated in the
mainstream translation:
    1. Checkout the latest version of the POT and PO files from the
repository of the project.
    2. Import POT files and PO files into the DB.
    3. Over some time, collect votes and new translation suggestions
from the users.
    4. Time after time (for example each month), the mainstream
translator checks out the last diffs, containing the latest
suggestions (and makes a snapshot as well).
    5. The translator reviews the latest suggestions and applies them
in the mainstream translation, if he finds them appropriate.
    6. Periodically (for example once or twice a year) go back to
steps (1) and (2) and import the POT and PO files again. This
re-import may introduce new strings and translations, but will not
affect the existing strings, translations and votes.

Sería moi interesante probala e ver se a podemos aproveitar

Hi there,
I am working helping coordinating the albanian team, Dashamir is in contact
with me as well as agron. Dasho is also working on a nice new translation
tool, the b-translator that he presented at sfk12

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Rimas Kudelis <>
Date: 2012/9/14
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Albanian

Hi Dashamir,

2012.09.13 22:52, Dashamir Hoxha rašė:

    The new user (dashohoxha) was me. I have noticed that the information
    on is outdated and
    I would have corrected it, if I could. However, I was not able to sign up
    on the wiki (mos probably the captcha has some problems).

    Also, on Pootle ( I couldn't
    see how to export and import PO files.

You need to have permissions for that. I just gave you admin rights
for Albanian, so you should be fine now.

BY THE WAY, apparently, nobody had any Albanian-specific permissions
up until now, even though there are 5 more users who chose Albanian as
their primary language upon registration. That's weird. But now you
can grant the permissions to others yourself, as needed.

    On the following weeks (or months) I would like to make some advertisement
    about translating LibreOffice into Albanian, and I hope that there will be
    people interested to help. I am going to tell the people to use either or
    (the system that I am trying to develop), whichever they find more suitable.

    Myself I would like to do the merge of data and integration between the two
    systems. For this reason I need to be able to export/import PO files from
    your Pootle system (it could be even better if this could be done by GIT or
    some other scriptable system).

Keeping those in sync and avoiding duplicating work might be a
challenge. Like I said, now you have the permissions to export .po
files. You can also use git to check out translations, I think the
repo is this one: I'm not sure
how often Andras synchronizes it with Pootle though.

    Could you please tell me how to do these? (correct the information at and export/import PO
    files from the Pootle system)

Well, to edit the Wiki, you should get an account there. I just tried
to do it for you, and it worked fine, I'll send you a password to it,
so you can log in and change it.
Perhaps you weren't good enough at distinguishing cats from dogs in
the captcha? :D

    About the former admin (Agron) I am not sure how much time he has to
    manage the system, so you could even consider to give me admin rights
    for Albanian (besides him).

Like I said, he seems to have two accounts in Pootle, but none of
these has admin (or any other specific) rights for Albanian. I have
promoted you to Albanian admin now.

Proxecto mailing list

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