It looks like the best date/time for everyone is this coming Tuesday, April 5, 
10:00 am – 12:00 pm PDT.

Thanks for everyone who participated in the poll. I was not able to find a time 
when everyone could join, but it appears that we have representation from 
Apple, Google, and Mozilla, so I think we’re in good shape.

The Google Hangout for the event will be

Chaals: Thanks for the reminder about minutes. I can help out with some of the 
scribe duties; if you’re able to make the call, you and I could trade off that 
role. I can’t remember the IRC channel we used for past F2F meetings; please 
share. If memory serves, there are also some conventions for flagging action 
items, etc. — can you point me at some summary of those? (Alternatively: With 
Google Hangouts, if it’s better to use Hangouts’ own chat system, we could use 
that instead.)

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